You want your baby to have a head start in life, to be an interested learner who is full of curiosity. And there is no doubt that your baby’s development depends on the level of stimulation he receives at home. For instance, he is more likely to babble loudly if you speak to him, play with him, sing to him, and tell him stories in the early months in life. Likewise, he is more likely to show an interest in his surroundings if he is given exciting toys that will attract his attention. Your baby responds positively to this sort of stimulation — quite simply, it helps him thrive.
But finding the balance between too little, too much, and just the right amount can be difficult. Under-stimulation of your baby eventually causes him to be passive and lethargic — lack of toys, games, attention from parents, songs and other play activities has this effect. He quickly adjusts to the status of inactivity. And when he does receive stimulation, he doesn’t know how to react.
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