Making a play area for kids
Garden Play Area for KidsMaking a play area for kids can be fun for the adults as well, if the project is approached with a sense of humor and an understanding that a well laid out garden can be a great place for both playing and relaxation. Getting gardeners to help is a good idea because their expertise should ensure a good balance between play space for the kids and garden space for the adults.

Knowing where to start is a key to success so begin with choosing the area that will be for the kids playing; games such as football will obviously need more space than a sandbox for younger children. This is where the usefulness of asking the gardeners to help becomes apparent. They are invaluable in providing advice and asking questions you may not have thought about.

For instance, if playing football will be a regular event, how much do you mind that your flowers will likely get battered and maybe broken at the stem when the ball gets kicked into the flowerbeds ?  Would you consider using plants that will grow back quickly or, instead, plant shrubs that are not so easily damaged by the children’s games? The gardener will also take the adult’s needs for the garden into consideration. They will make sure there is enough room for a comfortable seating area, maybe a barbecue and a shady place for rest. Making play areas for both children and for adults can create an interesting garden that all of the family can enjoy.