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Category: Sex

Different Between Man and Woman ( Part 2)

Do U Know What Man Really Want???


spontaneityVariety stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain, maintaining the climate of romance, writes Professional Advisor.

So steer clear of routine. Full your husbands need for spontaneous, and unscheduled, sex by making love in the morning, instead of bedtime. Danger (of being late for work, for instance!) and novelty are two passion triggers that can be tripped very pleasantly by an unexpected roll in the hay.

Visual Stimulation (pretty things):14diviner_of_psychedelic_magic

Men like to look according to Dr. Fisher, with most psychologists agreeing that for men, the visual image triggers romantic passion.

Let Me Drive For You…My Dear

Just how many times have you wheedled your way into getting him to drive you to and fro on your shopping expeditions, and even outings with your friends? Well, most probably too many to count. Says administrative assistant Johnny, “My husband Bob is as used to waiting for me as I spend hours at the shopping mall that he comes to the shopping center armed with his newspapers and his own routine: first to the supermarket, then to the cafe to read each section slowly, word for word. lady driver

He even helps me with my shopping bags without a single word of complaint! Every year on Father’s day, I make it a point to celebrate with my patient husband by being his personal chauffeur for the day. Whether it is to an S-League soccer match, or making a trip to Japan for his favorite seafood, I make sure that I do the driving, so my hubby can just sit back, relax and enjoy his special day.”

Different Between Man and Woman ( Part 1)

Sticky post

Do U Really Know What Woman Really Want???

1. Communication:angry_woman_with_phone

According market research, stresses the importance of healthy communication in a woman’s ability to feel romantic. “Women report that they feel more intimacy with a partner when they talk together just before making love,”.

Some author and sex therapist said that most women, in order to share or be open verbally with their partner, must feel safe. Hesitation may come from a fear of hurting a partner’s feelings, especially when the subject is as touchy-feelly as sex.

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