Parent, Young Parent, Childhood, Pregnancy, Love, Bed Time Stories

Tag: Female

Our Best Friend …Dog

man best friendDogs are creatures of habit and feel safest when they are in a familiar environment; the best option before you jet off is to ask a friend to pet-sit for you. If this isn’t feasible, you can employ a professional pet-sitter.

How you can reduce your dog’s separation anxiety?

If someone can come in to your home as a surrogate mummy or daddy for a short period, the dog will not be psychologically harmed. No one can replace you as your dog’s best friend, but getting someone in to keep it company in your absence will provide a significant amount of relief.

How Princess and Prince Expresses Themselves?

Your baby‘s inability to speak doesn’t stop her from expressing herself to you. Instead of words, she uses body language to april-2008-005-3communicate her feelings, thoughts and desires.

Look for language in her physical movements. Your baby tells you she has a tummy ache by drawing her knees tightly up to her stomach. You can tell she is relaxed when she lies flat on her back, gazing wide-eyed at the musical mobile.

Facial expressions are her way of communicating emotions. Psychologists have identified seven basic facial expressions that adults are capable of generating- unhappiness, joy, surprise, interest, disgust, terror and rage. Your baby too has enough control over her facial muscles to create all of these facial expressions herself.

Is A Different Life After Pregnant (Part 2)

Reality Checking Your Lifestyle

pregnant womanYour new baby will also alter your social life. “I hardly go out with my friends anymore, because I have to express my milk every three to four hours daily. Even when I do, I’m often too tired to enjoy the night out. A simple trip to the shops gets tiring when I have to bring along tons of my pumping equipment,” shares Bonny.

And even if you do venture out, your expeditions would most likely be limited to baby-friendly shopping centers with nursing rooms. Karen, 26, a mother of a eight-month-old baby, who even had to change her circle of friends as not everyone fou venues, such as nd “poo” comparisons and diaper brand debates stimulating.

No Love = Divorce ?

Stephanie could not imagine that the life I had dream of was about to become a nightmare. The first few months in Australia were just divorce_cake 2bliss. Tennis while the children were at school, weekly lunch with new friends, and a tidy home to go back to.

Donny, on the other hand, had something else in mind. Despite his apparently happy family life, he divorced his wife at the end of their first year in Australia. He claimed to have found “the love of his life.”

Stephanie, a former office clerk who gave up her career to support her husband’s work, simply couldn’t believe her ears. “I thought we had a great marriage. He had just recently mentioned that we should go to the Maldives for our tenth anniversary. We were best friends,” she says. Stephanie and Donny were together for fifteen years and were married for over nine of those.

Pregnancy Soothing Backpain

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To minimize back pains, here are some simple things to do:backpainpregnancy

  1. Cut down on your physical activities, especially those that stress the lower back and pelvis, like climbing stairs, walking long distances and standing for long periods.
  2. Sleeping with your face up puts a lot of pressure on your back. Lying on your side with a pillow between your knees would reduce the pressure. If you are used to sleeping on your back, placing a pillow under your knees can cut the pressure by half.
  3. Another small pillow under the lower back will also help.
  4. Control your diet to avoid excessive weight gain, which will make the strain worse.
  5. Strengthen your back muscles through exercise or yoga.

The seven yoga poses below are good for strengthening the lower back, and increasing lung capacity and elasticity for easy delivery. Do them once or twice a week if you are in your third to eighth month of pregnancy. Some Yoga instructor even advice that pregnancy female handles prenatal classes at Yoga. They describe the poses:

Different Between Man and Woman ( Part 1)

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Do U Really Know What Woman Really Want???

1. Communication:angry_woman_with_phone

According market research, stresses the importance of healthy communication in a woman’s ability to feel romantic. “Women report that they feel more intimacy with a partner when they talk together just before making love,”.

Some author and sex therapist said that most women, in order to share or be open verbally with their partner, must feel safe. Hesitation may come from a fear of hurting a partner’s feelings, especially when the subject is as touchy-feelly as sex.

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