Parent, Young Parent, Childhood, Pregnancy, Love, Bed Time Stories

Tag: Outdoor Activities

Having Fun under the Lovely Sun.

There is nothing better than having our kids playing outdoors, making new friends, feeling the breeze blowing through their hair and exercising without even realizing it. But even as our kids are having the time of their lives, studies show that we have a reason to be cautious and careful — after all most children rack up 50 – 80 per cent of their sun exposure before the age of 18. How many of us can keep our children indoors during the recommended hours of 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.?

having fun

Why not give him the gift that keeps on giving him a fighting chance ?

Every year, family members scramble to find a great Father’s Day or birthday gift for the men in their lives. Why not give him the gift that keeps on giving him a fighting chance: Safe answers to the question, “Do I look fat?”

fat father

Anyone involved with a woman longer than a week knows the explosive power packed into this loaded question. Women wiggle around what they really want to hear leaving their men confused, helplessly hunkering down for the big boom set off by placing naive honesty in close contact with volatile compounds like estrogen and progesterone.

She Must Have A Bigger Mattress.

girls_image_03Please come and experience of exhilarating fun swinging from tree to tree five meters above the ground!”  read from website advertisement.

“Five meters above ground?” Hmph, I swear my five-year-old daughter Elaine jumps that high when she watches Kung Fu Panda and re-enacts the fight scenes on the family bed! I have a concave mattress to prove it.

Swinging from tree to tree? I snorted at the computer screen. Most is a figure of speech, because photos show children wearing helmets and safety harnesses, instead swinging on vines ala Tarzan.

1 Day Off

guysConnie Parker, a full-time home tuition teacher, says, “Much as I thoroughly dislike soccer, I have a long standing agreement to sit through a whole soccer match with my hubby Mathew every Father’s day without attempting to switch the channel.

Needless to say, I tend to doze off halfway through the game every single year on his shoulder, but my hubby is happy as long as I am right by his side as he is doing his favorite activity. This year, I plan to drink an extra cup of coffee to try to actually stay awake for the whole game!”

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