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Tag: Husband & Wife

Divorce in Different Country

divorceA woman who suffered an expat divorce is Helen, who discovered while they were in the process of moving to New Zealand a year ago that her husband was having an affair. “Our marriage broke down as soon as we arrived here. I discovered his infidelity and he left me completely helpless,” she remembers.

Helen and their two children, aged eight and ten, had just come from another post in Asia. “I was a homemaker. I had no job and no qualifications to get one. I looked at myself and knew that I was a good mother and housewife. But I lacked confidence.”

The first year was the toughest and Helen admits she couldn’t have survived without a good friend in another country who was available at all hours on the phone to help.

Read For Your Baby

baby-reading11Shortly after John’s first-month celebration, we received a belated present from my husband’s boss – two children’s books and a card that said, “Read to John. Give him a head start.”

My husband and I were delighted with the present because we ourselves were avid readers who had more shelf space for books than clothes, pots and pans, and sports equipment combined. I recalled the warm memories of reading when I was little – skipping along beside my mother as she led us to the Bordland Community Library where my sister and I would spend hours sitting cross-legged on the floor, devouring books of all kinds. As I wanted John to start building similar memories, I began reading to him immediately.

Let Me Drive For You…My Dear

Just how many times have you wheedled your way into getting him to drive you to and fro on your shopping expeditions, and even outings with your friends? Well, most probably too many to count. Says administrative assistant Johnny, “My husband Bob is as used to waiting for me as I spend hours at the shopping mall that he comes to the shopping center armed with his newspapers and his own routine: first to the supermarket, then to the cafe to read each section slowly, word for word. lady driver

He even helps me with my shopping bags without a single word of complaint! Every year on Father’s day, I make it a point to celebrate with my patient husband by being his personal chauffeur for the day. Whether it is to an S-League soccer match, or making a trip to Japan for his favorite seafood, I make sure that I do the driving, so my hubby can just sit back, relax and enjoy his special day.”

Man of My Dream

man of the dreamI can still remember the day that I delivered our adorable baby Gwen into this world, with my devoted honey – hubby Chris right by my side throughout the whole experience.

In a way, I guess you could say that poor Matthias experienced my labor pains together with me, with his arm suffering from some major bruises after being clenched by my vice-like grip for a few hours as I cussed like a sailor at the intense labor pains!

I Miss this moments…forever ..Dad

father's day letter 3My dad passed away and it’s almost 18 years now. Every year, whenever Father’s Day approaches, I tend to dismiss the feeling of despair by throwing myself into preparing a dinner for my husband. But as my children are getting older, the enthusiasm makes me feel guilty for having pushed my feelings for father aside. I have realized that it would be most prudent to let it all out and accept that my father is no longer around – to accept that the love he had for me and the love I have for him will not diminish nor change or be replaced. Life is short, one should just celebrate it for all it is worth!

Different Between Man and Woman ( Part 1)

Sticky post

Do U Really Know What Woman Really Want???

1. Communication:angry_woman_with_phone

According market research, stresses the importance of healthy communication in a woman’s ability to feel romantic. “Women report that they feel more intimacy with a partner when they talk together just before making love,”.

Some author and sex therapist said that most women, in order to share or be open verbally with their partner, must feel safe. Hesitation may come from a fear of hurting a partner’s feelings, especially when the subject is as touchy-feelly as sex.

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