Parent, Young Parent, Childhood, Pregnancy, Love, Bed Time Stories

Tag: Life

My Bedroom Secret

romantic_bedroom(1)If I had to describe my beloved husband, it would either be ‘geeky‘ or ‘animaniac‘, and I on the other hand, as being the complete opposite of that. An avid fan of Japanese animation and comics…especially sexy character, Chris (my hubby) has an extensive collection of costumes, action figures, various memorabilia and can spend hours on end watching his anime series, whilst I prefer to spend more of my time outdoors, being a dedicated triathalete, rock climber and nature enthusiast.

Are You Over Feeding Your Baby?

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Feeding is such an essential activity for your baby, both physically and emotionally. It provides basic nourishment to ensure that 468_baby_feeding_i_stickshe thrives and it also provides psychological comfort. You feel good inside when you see her take a “proper” feed. But the problem lies in not knowing when to stop, not (snowing how to ensure that your baby is not over-fed.

Because your three-month-old will probably drink every drop of milk she gets, and your one-year-old will most likely gulp down one bowl of cereal after the other without the slightest prompting. The tendency to put on weight is partly an inherited characteristic. Some babies put on more weight than others even though they eat approximately the same amount.

In many instances, obesity is simply due to over-feeding. Research also shows that adults who are fat were more likely to have been fat as babies, when compared to adults who are thin. And the habit of over-eating, which starts during babyhood, can be hard to break later on.

Read For Your Baby

baby-reading11Shortly after John’s first-month celebration, we received a belated present from my husband’s boss – two children’s books and a card that said, “Read to John. Give him a head start.”

My husband and I were delighted with the present because we ourselves were avid readers who had more shelf space for books than clothes, pots and pans, and sports equipment combined. I recalled the warm memories of reading when I was little – skipping along beside my mother as she led us to the Bordland Community Library where my sister and I would spend hours sitting cross-legged on the floor, devouring books of all kinds. As I wanted John to start building similar memories, I began reading to him immediately.

Different Between Man and Woman ( Part 1)

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Do U Really Know What Woman Really Want???

1. Communication:angry_woman_with_phone

According market research, stresses the importance of healthy communication in a woman’s ability to feel romantic. “Women report that they feel more intimacy with a partner when they talk together just before making love,”.

Some author and sex therapist said that most women, in order to share or be open verbally with their partner, must feel safe. Hesitation may come from a fear of hurting a partner’s feelings, especially when the subject is as touchy-feelly as sex.

Why not give him the gift that keeps on giving him a fighting chance ?

Every year, family members scramble to find a great Father’s Day or birthday gift for the men in their lives. Why not give him the gift that keeps on giving him a fighting chance: Safe answers to the question, “Do I look fat?”

fat father

Anyone involved with a woman longer than a week knows the explosive power packed into this loaded question. Women wiggle around what they really want to hear leaving their men confused, helplessly hunkering down for the big boom set off by placing naive honesty in close contact with volatile compounds like estrogen and progesterone.

She Must Have A Bigger Mattress.

girls_image_03Please come and experience of exhilarating fun swinging from tree to tree five meters above the ground!”  read from website advertisement.

“Five meters above ground?” Hmph, I swear my five-year-old daughter Elaine jumps that high when she watches Kung Fu Panda and re-enacts the fight scenes on the family bed! I have a concave mattress to prove it.

Swinging from tree to tree? I snorted at the computer screen. Most is a figure of speech, because photos show children wearing helmets and safety harnesses, instead swinging on vines ala Tarzan.

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